Wednesday, September 10


I passed my driving test over six years ago and, apart from a drunk occassion in a friend's driveway, that was the last time I was behind the wheel. So you can guess I'm not the most confident of drivers, and I wouldn't trust myself on the roads now.

At least the Japanese and Honkonese(?) drive on the left as well, so I don't have to worry about swerving into the wrong lane.

I'm doing a six hour Pass Plus course, which is for advanced driving and reduces the insurance. I spoke to the instructor, Trevor, on the phone today and explained my situation. We decided to start with a refresher and see how it goes, and if I don't have enough time to pass all six modules, I can add on an extra hour to finish the course.

Wish me luck.

I miss the train, sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't spoken to you yet about it. How did it go?