Tuesday, October 31

Happy Halloween!

I don't know whether it's because no-one else seems bothered about it here, or whether I'm just a big kid, but I'm so excited about Halloween. It's going to be a really busy day - I'm doing a two hour special VOICE on the subject - with games, food, divination etc. Afterwards, I have my Japanese lesson, and the teachers are all anticipating a costume, so I'm going as a cowboy. In the evening, I've organised a Halloween party for everyone at work. Around midnight, Keiko and I are going to watch a horror movie. She doesn't know that yet. Photos will follow shortly.

These are from yesterday. My favourite group of kids were at the small school I helped at, but yesterday was my last day there, so I'm kind of upset. We had a party. They had so much fun dressing up as monsters, pirates, vampires, mummys etc. Aren't they cute.


Anonymous said...

twick or tweet is that how they say it?

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous children! I bet they will really miss seeing you. They all look like they are having a really good time. Hope your Halloween celebrations worked out as you hoped. I heard a discussion on Radio 5 today about SAW 3. Apparently people are going to see it and being ill afterwards because it is so gruesome. Sounds just like your sort of thing!