Saturday, August 11

Release... The Goldfish

Last Saturday, we went North about one and a half hours to around the same area as Kawagoe (Old Edo) but much more countryside. Half the buildings in the small town of Hidaka were in crumbles, and the other half looked like they wouldnt stand the next earthquake. It was like stepping back in time, but the whole day I didn't see another tourist so it was a peaceful getaway.

The area is most famous for a shallow oxbow lake-type river in the middle of the town which you can play in. With the sun shining, the water felt refreshing. It was a lot deeper than expected, and our jeans soon got wet.

Further downstream were hundreds of people, tents and generally a lot of activity. Luckily, that day was the big town activity; in a much shallower area thousands of goldfish were set loose in the water, for the townsfolk to catch. You can't get much more bizarre than that. I picked one up but quickly put it back.

It's one of those events that you can neither research nor plan but just stumble across. They're the best type, and it makes travelling and exploring that little bit more exciting. Imagine all the things we'd miss if we just stayed at home watching tv.

Inside the river was a large rice field, and on the other side were more bbq's and parties. The water was much deeper and kids were jumping off the rocks.

In September the area is famous for its flowers, so I might return.

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