Wednesday, August 15


It's been over 30 here for over 2 weeks now, without a drop of rain in sight. Blue skies might sound nice in theory but the humidity is overbearing; especially in a tie! But the clouds are meant to roll in this weekend, with a downpour early next week. 40 today, heck..

This is the public pool I found next to the river, about 15 minutes walk from my apartment. £1 a pop, and open until the end of September - it's a really refreshing way to cool off. It's 50 metres as well, which is great. This was taken when I was leaving and it was a bit quieter; at the peak of the day it's packed. They just need an ice-cream van and I'm content.

1 comment:

McGarmott said...

Well, get this, I haven't seen a drop of rain in MONTHS. (When was the last time it rained in LA, April? March? Something like that.)