Wednesday, July 23

Sunny Sunny Bournemouth

Still waking up at odd times. Some nice things are that I've seen most of my immediate family, eaten some lovely home-cooked meals, and the sky has been an endless blue. It doesn't get dark 'til about 9pm here which is oddly disconcerting - the first night I thought my clocks were all wrong.*

A garden is nice although the increased amount of space - from a hallway to the lack of people on the streets - takes some getting used to. Both positive and negative, I think I miss the bustle.

Three main points have lead to the reverse-culture-shock guaranteed. I'll let you consider what they are and write them up tomorrow.

Nothing new on the job front, and I'll let you know when I hear anything. Fingers, and computer cables crossed.

The view from my window; blue sky, and not a block in sight:

*I guess a higher latitude and DST are the reasons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, it's not all bad.