Tuesday, March 7

Changing Rooms


I've taken some baby steps towards packing, beginning with sorting out my room and trying to cut down on its contents. After all, Japanese rooms are traditionally much smaller and minimalist in comparison. It's always strange binning things that link us to the past, but I'm embracing the change. Phil's belongings: no mercy.

And it's raining outside. Today sucks.

Things I'll miss about my room - my touch-sensitive lamp, my speakers, my sink, my posters (Eternal Sunshine, Neve Campbell), my bed. Most of all, my clock. I love it.

Quick update (11:20pm). I filled three bin bags full of things I forgot I had or grew out of; clothes, uni notes, junk, photo negatives etc. I also learnt how to playback photos and videos from my camera through my TV. All my drawers are either empty or tidy, left with the clothes I actually wear, counted £6.84 in change I'd been hoarding (which would've been enough for the cinema 2 weeks ago), and now I'm going to sleep remembering that I lived out of Sue Suitcase in America and Rucky Rucksack around Europe. See, I'm embracing.

Freakily, my Eternal Sunshine poster fell down today. It seems to be a sign. Of what, I'm not quite sure...


Anonymous said...

And who bought you the lovely clock then?

Anonymous said...

I think there is a good home for that clock in France