Sunday, November 11

What If You Could Slide Into A Thousand Different Worlds?

Just a quick one to let you know that I landed safely and am back in Asia. I'm not so tired as I slept most of the plane journey, although I did spend some time gazing out of the window at all the masses of land and sea that I crossed.

However, it feels weird because I entered Heathrow at 5PM Saturday and walked out of HKIA at 6PM on Sunday; I lost a day but it somehow feels like I stepped right into Hong Kong without all the travelling. It's pretty surreal to be back here so quickly, and makes me really appreciate that the world is so big and yet so small.


Anonymous said...

Pleased to hear that you got back safe and sound. It seems so amazing that we were in Paris on Thursday and now you are back in Hong Kong. As you said, it's a small world. Speak to you soon.
Love you and miss you. Mum

Anonymous said...

So far, so near; happy have we met, happy have we been and happy we will be together again, don't know where and don'when? Glad to hear journey uneventful, take care, love Dad and all here.