Monday, January 28

Recipe For Disaster

At New Year, I gave Keiko's parents some souvenirs from England. The usual: fudge, tea etc. I also gave Mrs Terui a tea-towel featuring sights around Bournemouth.

It was quite a while later that I received a rather confused question:

Keiko's mum had spent a long time trying to work out how you use the towel to make tea!

She had tried wrapping it round the kettle, she had tried using it as a place mat on which to pour tea into the cups. I hate to think how much time she spent trying to make a nice cup of tea for us all, whilst incorporating the tea towel.

I felt rather bad after that explaining the towel is nothing more than just a dishcloth. Seemed rather anticlimatic.


Anonymous said...

and what would she have made of a honey drizzle?

Anonymous said...

Something for ypu to follow up:

Oddly Enough

Japanese firm offers "heartache leave" for staff
Reuters - Monday, January 28 09:45 am
Lovelorn staff at a Japanese marketing company can take paid time off after a bad break-up with a partner, with more "heartache leave" on offer as they get older. More »

Japan teacher said to take kids pants at knifepoint Reuters - Monday, January 28 08:15 am
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