Thursday, January 10

Things I'll Never Understand About Girls

One of the most baffling mysteries of modern-day socio-biological and gender-dividing topics is that of women's magazines. Men look at pictures of scantily-clad females in their own magazines. Yet so do women in a surely complex/disorder-enducing comparison to airbrushed celebrities. Take, for example, Keiko's favourite monthly "Glitter" which comes with:


I guess this could take an ethological route by discussing why the male of the species is the 'pretty' one with exceptions, most notably of humans. But it won't. Intelligence is overrated anyway. (According to Glitter*)

I was going to leave it at that, but then I had a quick flick through and hit the jackpot. Japanese magazines and advertisements love to announce headings in English. Of course, no-one bothered with the spell-checker. Here are some of my favourites:

Just one?

Here are my joint favourites (both headings at the top). I was giddy with excitement at my utter confusion and then racing imagination; after all, it is the Year of the Rat.

*The calendar reminds us, monthly, to "choose nice clothes and do make-up and go out. You will have shining days and enjoy your life".

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