Thursday, May 8

Shake Awake

I must have been shaken awake, but it was a few moments until I realised there was an earthquake. Last night, at 1:45am exactly, an earthquake (6.7) occurred just North off the coast of Tokyo. It lasted about one minute. It's a strange sensation, completely different from someone shaking you. It takes a while to sink in what's going on. The bed is shaking. The room is shaking. The whole building is shaking. And you can feel a thud, a pulse almost, at every change in direction of sway.

It didn't do much damage, a few people injured, but it was big enough to be felt in my apartment which most aren't, since I live in a new building. The most amazing thing was that tv presenters were on screen automatically; they have people doing the news and on earthquake control on all the channels every night?!


Anonymous said...

There's been nothing at all about this on any news programmes I have listened to today. I suppose (thankfully) it was very minor compared to what's going on in Burma at the moment.
Still, pleased to hear that (presumably) you are both OK.
Mum xxx

phil-san said...

I suppose in comparison it's minor. Japan's built for earthquakes so unless they're pretty strong, it's not a huge worry, whereas that size would probably do a lot of damage elsewhere.

Another earthquake just as I woke up this morning. Smaller though.