Friday, May 23

Stars In The City

Last night I joined a Gotanda community centre event, looking up at the stars (run through the planetarium group). It was limited to only 30 or so people and I was looking forward to finding out how we could star-gaze in the middle of a city. The roof of the centre was lower than other buildings around it, with a bright supermarket light beaming at us. I could only see two stars! Light pollution is a necessary evil.

The organiser had set up two telescopes and was darting between them refocusing their aim. I couldn't use a flash (it would be a bit rude) but this is what it would like like if you were drunk:

The view through the telescopes were impressive. Mars, the red (blurred) dot.

But it was this shape that wowed me - Saturn!


Anonymous said...

Saturn looks amazing. We watched a programme on it the other day. Fantastic to look at from a distance but you wouldn't want to visit it (a bit like Mont St Michel - don't tell Keiko) If you want to see the night sky without any light pollution then Buais on a clear night is the place for you and we even have a telescope!

phil-san said...

It was pretty amazing - I didn't think it was Saturn at first because it was so clear. And you know what, if Saturn is just visible with a telescope, imagine how much more is out there!