Saturday, February 7

You Spin Me Right Round

Anything regarding tricking the mind, or inattentional blindness is fascinating. This is one of my favourite illusions. Which is darker, A or B?

Neither, they're the same shade.

This is the new illusion that has been flittering around the Internet. Which way is the woman spinning?

If you see her spinning clockwise, you are using your right hemisphere, and vice versa. The left brain relates to logic and fact-based knowledge, whilst the right is the more creative and emotive.

Only 14% of tested participants can see both, and are able to 'make' her spin in the opposite direction. There's a knack to it - focus on the outstretched leg and push it behind her body against the flow. Can you do it?


Anonymous said...

When I first looked at it she was definitely going anti clockwise then I read your entry and looked back again and she was going clockwise. What does that mean?
Mum x

phil-san said...

That means you can see it both ways. But can you force your brain to make it switch deliberately?

McGarmott said...

Freaking hell, I thought it was cheating! But then I stared for another few minutes (10?) and managed to get it to go back and forth finally and worked out how it works.

It's a matter of, which side did you 'first' see her start - from left, or right. The trick is to ignore her volume/3D dimensions at the moment you choose to begin seeing her as a clockwise/anti-clockwise figure