Wednesday, April 5

The Lost In Translation Unofficial Tour aka The Longest Blog Title Thus Far Which Is Getting Longer By The Word

Fast-forward two days to Monday 27th March, to Orientation. Not much to say, except Steve and I talked to the main guy in charge of accommodation. He apologised and said he’d see what he could do (I spent two hours the day before de-moulding the bathroom, now it looks like a steam room fit for any gym).

Orientation was a bit of a formality; I signed a few more contracts, had a few lectures, and found out my branch would be Musashi-Kosugi, which is three stops from Tsunashima and on the way towards Shibuya. A five minute train ride without changing lines. Fantastic, especially considering some people’s journeys to and from work are up to an hour. Even better, NOVA pay your train fare to work, as part of a Teki (monthly train pass), so if I go into Shibuya, I only have to pay from Musashi-Kosugi onwards, saving a bit of money each time.

The room was pretty incredible, with a window stretching the whole way along, with the most amazing view over Tokyo. Well, it would’ve been if not for the huge building obstructing the centre of the scenery.

Having heard the Park Hyatt Hotel (Lost In Translation) was in the area, we asked the accommodation guy where it was. And guess which building?!

The one blocking the view.

After Orientation, we went down to the British pub in the NS Building with most of the other new people for a drink. Steve and I decided that since we were in suits, why not go for a drink in the Park Hyatt Bar. I mean, how expensive can it be? We didn’t want to take a crowd but a few people got wind of what we were doing and tagged along, most notably Eric, Maya and Katherine.

The building was incredible. I didn’t take pictures because I wanted to pretend I actually belonged there, but there were quite a few tourists in shorts and t-shirts. It took about three lifts to get to the bar floor; each time the woman greeting us was more and more polite.

The bar wasn’t too expensive; about £5 for a beer. But it was worth every penny for the view, which was extraordinary. We’ll go back for food and with less people, so I’ll try take some photos then. But for now:

We sat on the bar, where Murray and Johansson talk in the film. The waiter apologised that we couldn’t have a table. Yeah, I was traumatised! While we were there, Ralph Laurent was on the other end of the bar. If it’s good enough for him…

If anyone’s intrigued, rooms go from $600-6,000 a night.

After that, the five of us I’ve mentioned went to Shibuya, part two of the LiT Tour. Concluding the trilogy, we went to a Karaoke place. It’s bizarre, not like we have back home where you go to a bar and everyone hears you. You book into a booth and it’s unlimited drinks; fizzy and beer. One and a half hours was £8 each. It was so much fun, more than I expected when there’s only five of you singing to each other. But the beer definitely helped. Try and guess the song by the lyrics. Gem, I picked this one for you.


Anonymous said...

Pretty Amazing view mate!! i might have to watch this film afterall!

Anonymous said...

Hey Phil- photos from the hotel are amazing! I think the song is by Leanne Rimes (not sure if thats how u spell her name!?) from coyote ugly?...let me know if i'm right!

phil-san said...

yeah, you're right. Who is this? I guess Gem...