Thursday, April 12

Image Of The Week #33

The local elections took place on Sunday, and for the few weeks beforehand, temporary boards with 18 squares, for candidates to put up their posters, lined the streets. The election had a bismal 30% turn-out, although it's said to be a lot higher for the General Election. But..

Since the election, a new board has gone up on nearly every road. This has 56 squares, and each shows the numbers in random places; never in the same sequence. Firstly, I have no idea what these are for, and can't imagine 56 candidates for a further election. Secondly, open this picture to its fullest and time yourself in how quickly you can find 1 through 56. If you're bored.

(Gotanda - 12th April, 2007)


Anonymous said...

did u get a vote?

phil-san said...

Although I pay taxes, I'm not a Japanese citizen so, no, I don't get a vote. I don't think I would've voted anyway; I knew nothing about the candidates.

Anonymous said...

There are currently elections taking place in France and we get no vote here. I'm not sure what are position would be if there were an election in the UK now though. By the way are there any problems with the 'l' in election. Could be amusing.