Wednesday, October 15

Back To School

Last Saturday, I took a road trip with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins to see my oldest cousin in her new digs* at Warwick University; the same Uni I went to. It was a fantastic day, walking around the Parade and Jephson Gardens in Leamington Spa and brought back a lot of memories. I was also able to meet up with Andrew, who came to Japan to visit.

It's hard to believe that three years have passed since I was a student there; the same amount of time I studied for. The town was full of students and I felt some jealousy, some nostalgia (already!) and a strange sensation that is tough to explain: although I've moved on, the University hasn't and now it's full of new students, of which only a handful of Masters and PhD students would have actually overlapped with the time I was there. I guess I'm no longer a part of the University I loved, and it's tough to revisit and see all the fresh faces in their Warwick hoodies.

It also made me feel old!

Still, the weather was lovely, with a visit past the yellow-leafed trees to the hot house and the boats.

The drive home was straight out of a horror movie - the fog was the thickest I've seen - and I'm glad it wasn't me behind the wheel.

*Above a sex shop, no less. I should mention, they deal in 'part-exchange'...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a lovely day. The photos are really nice too and everyone looks so well and happy. It only feels like a blink of an eye ago that Keith and I took you up to Warwick on that first day and settled you into your hall of residence.
Mum xx