Wednesday, October 15

Top O' The Morning To You

I have a couple of guilt-free weeks now before I start work, so it seems like the best time to do some travelling. I'm planning to go to France for a week, and tomorrow I'm off to Ireland for the first time. A friend from Nova, Fiona, lives an hour outside of Dublin, so I'm flying with the cheap and (I hope) cheerful RyanAir straight from Bournemouth Airport. It's very convenient!

The trip's a bit complicated as Fiona was just offered a job, and I don't begrudge her for it, but it meant for a last minute hostel booking and change of plan. I'm going to spend Thursday and Friday in Dublin on my own, and then travel down to her Friday afternoon, flying back Tuesday morning.

It suits me fine as I'm quite content travelling on my own, I get to spend a solid bit of time in Dublin without going backwards and forwards from Dundalk, where she lives.

Incidentally, the only person in Japan to know about this blog is Keiko. Actually, Julian too - another friend from Nova. I don't know why I never told anyone else, I just never did.

I'll blog on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a brilliant time in Ireland. You'll love Dublin. Looking forward to you coming to France.