Wednesday, October 15

Jump Like A Kangaroo

Was the beginning of one of the songs I used to sing in the really young children's lessons at Nova.*

These are Powerbockers/Pro-jumping stilts, and apparently they are the latest craze in footwear. I ws able to try it out a few nights ago. With a fear of breaking my legs, for the ten minutes I wore them, I was safely gripping onto a wall. They feel unstable at first, but slowly I suppose you would get used to the balance.

Here's a picture of me pretending I'm not terrified. I could've photoshopped the fence away, but I would probably have still fallen over digitally.

And here's a video of how they should be used:

*Jump like a kangaroo, jump jump jump
Swing like a monkey, swing swing swing
Fly like a bird, fly fly fly
Swim like a fish, swim swim swim

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