Friday, November 7

Snow White

Snowflakes are one thing, but have you heard about snowflies? Me neither until today. How can there be so many yearly occurrences in Japan that I never experienced? Makes you wonder how much of the world we have no idea about.

Around November, teeny-tiny insects start swarming North Japan. Known as 'yuki mushi' or 'snow flies', they are a cross between a fly and an aphid, and grow a white cottony substance on their bodies which looks like snow. There isn't much information on them, especially not in English, so I guess they're rather unknown.

Apparently, they are quite delicate and easily smushed by car windows or cyclists (close your mouth). The problem is that the material snags onto clothes.

Yuki mushi are an indicator of actual snow-fall, usually seven to ten days away.


Anonymous said...

Yay! It's my favorite insect:) It's so cute and I always look forward to seeing it every year. Since my mother saw it couple days ago, the temperature dropped a lot in Sendai. Chilly!

phil-san said...

Do people have favourite insects?!

Anonymous said...

Do you wanna know my other favorite insect? It's a praying mantis:) It's funny when I catch it, it tries to get rid of my fingers and it's so cute. I know you have a favorite insect... :P