Monday, November 17

That's What I Meh-nt To Write

The Collins English Dictionary has decided to include the word 'meh' from the next issue as the public's entry. It means 'indifferent to' or 'unimpressed by' something. It onomatopoeically sounds exactly what it intends.

Schoolkids must be rejoicing around the country as finally their response to "How was your day, darling?" is legitimate.

I use it quite a lot on MSN but how do I really feel about this news?


The Japanese alternative is mendou.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think they should have included "uh-oh-o" as well (said with a shrug of the shoulders to mean "I don't know"). For example, "Anything interesting to tell me about school/college/work/friends/going out etc etc today, darling" Answer "uh-oh-o".