Wednesday, December 31

All Quiet On The Winter Front

So the snow never happened, even though I encouraged it with my blog. Mixed opinions about my artificial snow I can report; thanks to the two of you that acknowledged it. It's gone now anyway.

Not a lot to tell of the past week. A birthday party up in London for a friend which was great. Nice to see uni friends again after so long and hopefully I'll see them more often when I move up there. I would like to mention how fantastic the National Express coaches are - cheap and regular. If I was a campaigner, 2009 would be my crusade for more people to use public transport. I know some of it is expensive and I refuse to pay those prices, but riding a coach and being stuck in traffic on a motorway full of one-person cars is insanity; it does not make sense ecologically or economically.

I received some great presents, as well as two shower gels on the same day. I get the hint. Luckily the blog era, like the TV, has not yet reached smell-o-vision capabilities so you're all spared!

I think the best thing was this card - the detail is astronomical. My favourite is the full santa, as well as the green tea which is usually written as "ocha" but written here as "sancha".

I also saw the christmas lights and displays around Oxford St a few weeks back. Here's a selection:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The photos have come out really well. To you my darling Philip and to all your loyal readers I wish you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2009.
Mum xxx