Thursday, December 18

Tis The Season To Be Shopping

I saw a mildly amusing sight today. Maybe not amusing, but you can fill your own word of choice in later.

Walking back from the library through town, I passed a couple of men proclaiming Christianity to passers-by. One was holding a placard with something about repenting in time for the apocalypse and the other was handing out leaflets. I watched for a while and realised that not a single person stopped, paid any attention or took an interest.

Not that I'm sympathetic - because I personally think they're wasting their time - but I did admire their efforts. All these Christmas shoppers too busy to even acknowledge what the purpose of the holiday is for. The men might as well have written on the sign "Sorry we're bothering your shopping time" and on the back "P.S. Jesus loves you".

For quite a few years my realisation that the commercial scam has far overtaken the religiousness has never been more apparent than this year. With fear of the economy and people not wanting to spend, giving "this will do" presents and receiving "great, what do I want this for?" gifts seems like a waste of time.

Want proof? This is how much the rest of the world knows about it:


Anonymous said...

Never mind any of that. You've got snowflakes on your blog!!!!

phil-san said...

How cool is that!!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking at this on my new laptop. It's SO QUICK!!!!
Mum xxx

phil-san said...

god bless toshiba
(but not the pope, he's a twat)

Anonymous said...

Now, now. Didn't I teach you to be tolerant of other people's beliefs, even if they are totally bigotted!
Anyway, I wish all your readers a very happy Chanukamas! As Dave Allen (look him up Philip) used to say "May your G-d go with you".