Monday, December 15

Say Cheesu

Hollywood actors have been making a nice profit by advertising products in countries away from their English-speaking fans; which is a key plot point for Lost In Translation. I would've made the assumption that with the increase of the YouTube generation, they would stop but I guess it's true, I made an ass out of you and mption... anyway...

The term a website has given for this is Japander, which makes sense if you break up the word. Notable examples are Tommy Lee Jones with Boss Coffee - his face appearing on many a vending machine, as well as Richard Gere in the fantastically named Dandy House (a male beauty spa). Probably the best is Keifer Sutherland sending himself up in a 24 spoof for a healthy snack bar.

The other major one of recent times is Cameron Diaz and Brad Pitt for Softbank (the Japan Vodafone). Pitt advertises more than anyone: jeans, watches, you name it, he's done it.

Along with the posters for the Softbank phones, the two also do adverts - with the usual theme of one of them walking along a scene with things happening in one take. All fine and well, except for the most recent which is causing a stir as it involves Brad photographing naked young girls.

Interesting choice... I wonder how much he demanded for that!
(More videos can be found on YouTube - I love it and all its HD goodness.)

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