Tuesday, March 24

Hidden Japan

BBC4, my new favourite channel, is in the final furlong of its Japan Season; which is a little late know, I know, but there are always repeats.

The channel adopted a new ident (four in Kanji) as well as short VTs of "words of the day" etc. There have been some interesting documentaries on, including one about the search for 'wabi sabi' - the art of imperfection - as well as one documenting the nation's love of fish. Neither were particularly insightful as they both dumbed down slightly by highlighting the 'strange cultures' of the East, such as maid cafes and the geek culture. However, there were some brilliant inclusions, not the least being a scene in Tsunashima!

They went to the fish restaurant where you catch the fish you want to eat. The presenter was just as shocked as me when the sushi turned up on his plate along with the main body of the fish, still flapping. That's fresh!

Still, I can't help but wonder why both presenters for these documentaries were chosen: they had never been to Japan before, couldn't speak the language and were too wide-eyed overall that the programmes' aims were put on hold. I understand that most viewers were seeing Tokyo et al for the first time through them as well.

However, this is 'Hidden Japan' season after all. Take the fish documentary, for example. I could've shown an audience Hidaka, where the goldfish are released into the river during the annual town festival, or the koi carp streamers flying high during Golden Week.

Now, that's Hidden Japan.

In conclusion, I want to be a travel presenter. Awesome job.

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