Saturday, April 15


Friday, 31st March. My last day of freedom until, well, a week was the peak of the cherry blossom season. I was told that the rain would finish off the flowers before Thursday so it was important to see them while I still had the chance.

Ueno Park (in the top right corner of Tokyo, halfway around the Yamanote from Shibuya) is the best place for hanami – cherry blossom viewing parties.

The park itself was beautiful, with temples, pagodas and groups of Japanese people sitting on blankets beneath the cherry blossom just enjoying themselves.

There isn’t much to say, other than Steve, Eric, Maya, Kat and I had a lovely day, drinking sake, eating crepes and fresh fruit and just taking in the scenery. The only strange thing is that the Japanese would walk past the groups of other Japanese people and just smile, but when they saw us sitting there it was almost as if they couldn’t understand what we were doing; like sitting there was a strange concept. We got a lot of strange stares. Perhaps something was wrong about the way we were sitting, or the feng shui or something.

Again, click to enlarge:

There were stalls selling everything. Here is the weirdest and the nicest; guess which is which*:

The girls played a really bizarre goldfish game where you buy a rice paper net and catch as many fish as you can before the paper break. I should mention that rice paper and water don’t mix. Still, they won one:

And now for the cherry blossom:

My top three:

This is my desktop wallpaper. I love it:

*These are sour plums covered in coloured caramel and cooling down on ice. The caramel was amazing but sour doesn’t even begin to describe how bitter the fruit was. Bleurgh.


Anonymous said...

Morning Philip. Back from France and trying to catch up with your blogs. I have just printed off one of your photos (with you in it)to take to show grandma. Lots to read and so interesting to hear about life from DEFINITELY the other side of the world.
P.S. Hope you got my second letter.
P.P.S. Is it difficult getting matzos in Japan?

Anonymous said...

Me again.
Question: What was the girl in the photo doing tying the bit of paper onto the string?
The photos of the cherry blossom are so beautiful.
I printed off the photo with you in it and took it to grandma. She was very excited to see Liam in Japan!!!!

phil-san said...

glad you like the photos, no-one else has commented on the cherry blossom yet. Yes, Liam is fine.

As for the girl and the paper, all in good time... x

Anonymous said...

Great pictures.
The blosoom on the tree outside the house has just finished, that was very pretty too


Anonymous said...

Fish on a stick, do you lick them /suck them/dust with them/ Is there a story here?
Do people mind you taking photos? Is it my imagination or are there more girls than boys in the photos?
The blossom is amazing. Do you know if they produce cherries?
Which ever side of the world you are on is never far way the whole world is one gigantic global village with email and blogging.
keep on blogging it's really great, love dadxxx