Wednesday, May 2

The Amazing Spiderman

Overall, the film was fantastic, and compared to most other Summer blockbusters, this was head and shoulders above the rest. The action, CG, the character development were all top-notch, and the ending was perfect; bittersweet but hopeful.

However, it had its fair share of problems. The biggest was that with so many storylines (maybe 5 main strands) and three, actually make that four, baddies to contend with, it was slightly too much for one film. In the end, characters would pop up every 30 minutes just to appear, so that it became a little like clock-work and often they were all tied together in contrived ways. The biggest disappointment was that the coolest enemy didn't really appear until the very end, and he had little development or screen-time. Who was it? I'll leave it for you to find out.

Still, the end fight scene between the four main super-heroes was great stuff. And surprising.

It's selling out everywhere here, and sure to make back a lot more than it's largest ever Hollywood budget. Let's see how it does in the rest of the World.

Go get 'em, tiger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous!