Sunday, May 20

The Crows Have Eyes

To celebrate the finale of Lost this week, I wanted to write this blog flashback style, but then realised that the sun is shining outside and it doesn't seem right to spend all that time working it out when I could be enjoying the fresh air. So you'll have to imagine some snazzy past-present to-ing and fro-ing.

Remember the crow attack in the train station a few months back? I was going through there two weeks ago, and noticed that the spikes were still on the floor. At least it was one less weapon for the evil birds. Some evidence (sorry again for the camera phone quality):

The crows are becoming more clever. They've learnt to put garbage bags in the middle of the road so that cars will run over them and the goodies inside become obtainable. I was walking down my road and there were at least four crows surrounding a bag, watching and waiting. A few pedestrians carefully slipped by looking concerned but not brave enough to move the bag, and any car that went past would swerve around it.

I picked up the bag and moved it to the side, putting it under the blue netting covers that deter the crows, all the time facing the buggers. They stared back, plotting. As I walked away, they all flew to the telephone wire above and watched me walk away.

I think they're biding their time; waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more importantly whats this about a camera phone? ur samsung didn't have a camera! i want answers!!