Thursday, January 1

Happy New Year

"Have a Fine 2009" doesn't have the same level of positivity as "Have a Great 2008".
"Have a Sublime 2009." Does that work? Either way, Happy New Year!

Last night was really fun - good food and company with family. It proved that you don't need to go out for a good time; maybe my crusade should be to bring back the board game. The game was hilarious (I can't remember the name, but you have to guess words on a card) thanks in most part to Grandma's unique describing and guessing abilities. A few choice examples (I hope you don't mind Grandma):

Oli - What's like a bunny or rabbit, and is on your head?
Gma - Scalp?

Oli - (The Horn of Plenty) It's a place. What does a rhino have?
Gma - A horn.
Oli - And if you have a lot of something?
Gma - Horny!

Gma - When you masticate. You do it 24 times. You use your mouth and teeth.

Anyway... we had a brief interlude to bring in the new year. I don't think fireworks are the best use of money but the ones on the Thames did look spectacular. You can see a video on the right.

Onto 2009. My resolution? I decided to make plenty (as in a lot!) so at least some of them will work. All the usuals. Stop biting my nails. Exercise more. Read more. Also stop smoking (hurrah, I definitely achieved one!!!)

My main one is a bit more complicated. Actually a lot more. I've been doing a lot of walking recently which has been great. Walking is healthy, gives you fresh air and clears your head. It also allows you time to think. One of the things I thought was that we should become a nation of walkers. Thoughts lead to revealtions, enlightenment and personal understanding and reflection. So that's my campaign: we should all walk more and think more.

Since I've been thinking so much, I've realised a lot of the morals and ideals I've had have changed. I've surprised myself a lot and questioned both whre I had the original morals from and why they've changed. Sounds deep I know, so the big resolution is to form my own 'Ten Commandments'. I don't agree with most of the biblical ones - in fact, none of them since I'm not sure any rule can be an absolute - but given that only three of those commandments correspond with governing law I've decided to make my own. It's going to take some work, and maybe I'll mention it on here but it's a good challenge and I'll be interested to see what I come up with.

Any resolutions?

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