Tuesday, February 5

Bear-y Refreshing

Pepsi have been doing a joint promotion for their new drink with Fox TV/Movies. Each bottle comes with a small plastic bear, suitable for attaching to mobile phones etc. Some of the film choices and the bear designs are impressive, while others are rubbish. Decide for yourselves which, if any.

Titanic, Devil Wears Prada, Omen, Planet of the Apes, Alien, Night at The Museum, Prison Break, Day After Tomorrow, 24, Predator, Die Hard, Fight Club.

Special mention to the excellent Planet of the Apes and Predator bears - they must have been popular as they're the only ones I never saw in the shops.

This guy was irresistible. Look at the detail, the dirt on his brow and the sweat on his shirt!


Bear McClane, AHE*

*Action Hero Extraordinaire

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