Thursday, February 21

Beauty's On The Inside not the motto of this plastic surgery makeover show.

The woman, who children cried at and grown men ran from, was rather tragic. She was so out of shape and unhealthy that she was denied plastic surgery twice and dental treatment once. Finally, she was permitted to proceed. I'll put the result up tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

That is so sad. She must have been very lonely. I wish people weren't so obsessed with looks. Japan is just as bad as the U.S.

I get down on myself sometimes too, I know I'll never look like some supermodel. But I know I have other things going for me though!

Can't wait to see how she turns out. Hope it makes her happier.

phil-san said...

I'll be honest - we all judge each other on looks regardless of whether we admit it or not. But...

People should be confident and no-one should be made to feel like they should look different if they don't want to. However, I think this is one of those times where it really will make a difference to her life.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to comment but I don't think it's going to let me

Anonymous said...

OK. That was me (MUM) and I think we have finally cracked this problem I have been having about putting comments on your blog. For some reason it will only accept me as 'anonymous' so that is what I will do from now on.

phil-san said...

'Only accepted as anonymous'. That sounds psychodynamically crushing - but I'm not sure why.

Anonymous said...

how do u know they didnt just destroy that woman and put another woman in her place, that would be far easier!!

i dont think she's very happy with the results

phil-san said...

It was a bit weird. Her face was clearly 'better' but bits still seemed loose - like somehow it hadn't all set in place properly.