Friday, October 26

It's (N)ova!!

I was 4 days out, and it's technically not dead yet, but for all intents and purposes, Nova has gone!! I'm not sure whether I should feel elated, but right now I'm over the moon. You can read a bit about it here and tomorrow I'll write up a longer explanation of how it went down.


Anonymous said...

Well at least you got out in time, so well done you. I can't feel too sorry for everyone else still working for Nova because they should have seen it coming and made contingency plans. I know I shouldn't care, but do you know what happened to Tom and Bruce?

Anonymous said...

To add to the above, Keith was listening to Radio 4 this morning and Nova was mentioned on the news. Apparently they have asked the Japanese government for protection against all their creditors.

Anonymous said...

On wednesday, my housemate Chris mentioned he was looking at teaching in Japan after graduation and said he was on a site called "Nova". I told him by Monday it wouldn't be in operation. Seems like I was right too.

phil-san said...

That was a close call - some people did join when it was too late. Sadly, the official website is still up and running! (One of the selling points is a "guaranteed monthly salary"!)