Wednesday, April 2


Yozakura - night sakura - is a concept I wasn't familiar with until a few days ago. Basically, a hanami party at night. These Japanese, any excuse for a drink, hey! Actually, April is the beginning of the work/academic year in Japan and one of the freshmens' first jobs at their new company is to reserve a good spot for the tarp under the cherry blossom! Seriously, it's important!

So I found out that one of the best spots is back at Yasukuni Shrine in Kudanshita - where the summer festival with all those lights is. Great place, and although it wasn't as crowded, all the food stalls were out. Including baked potato!

The blossom seems to be fighting strong, and as this festival is on all week, it's going to be an amazing way to introduce Andrew to Tokyo on his first night.

I always laughed at the stereotype in the movies that the Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window in Paris. Not breaking the mould, I can't turn a corner anymore without seeing Tokyo Tower.

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