Saturday, April 5

Problem Solved, Fax Broken

Andrew kindly received the fax through some strange digital encoding device, whereby an email account dresses up as a fax machine and receives the message, by typing it out. Not quite sure how, and Andrew tried his best to explain (everything except hand puppets). Methinks magic is involved.

Anyway, I received the transcript so all I have to do is go over the personal statement once more, and then send it all off. The fax machine is terrible though, they should seriously consider moving to email. And if you do the math, I just scraped a 1st (70.3%). Still, it is what it is.

But more important things to do; the penis festival is nay but one night's sleep away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Add my thanks to Andrew for his help with the fax. I'm quite jealous of him being in Japan now at cherry blossom season and, not forgetting the penis festival, both of which we missed. How fantastic that he has it all to discover. Lucky him. Good luck with the application.