Tuesday, April 8

The Reason Andrew Chose This Weekend

**dirty pictures warning**

The event didn't disappoint. I don't need to describe the festivities (the lollys, the radish carving contest, the parade...) as I did that last year, and the photos speak for themselves. I bumped into my old housemate Bruce, which was hardly the tear-jerking reunion films are made of, but it was nice nonetheless. He did confirm something I've been unsure of for a while (next entry).

It's important to remember that while this may be a big joke to us, the shrine does serve as a place to pray for fertility all year round, and is taken seriously by many Japanese. As Frank Mackey in Magnolia sensitively puts it, "Respect the cock".

Aah, the Parade. Listen for the guy at the end; he's obviously been touching up on his English vocabulary.

Some of the larger characters at the festival:

The latter half of the day is much nicer. Too nice to be included here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad I couldn't go! I guess I'll just have to experience it vicariously thru your photos! It looked very, uh, interesting to say the least....lol

I'm really going to make it a point to go next year as it will be our last year in Japan!
