Tuesday, May 9

NOVA Students Say The Stupidest Things #6


Phil: So, imagine that the world’s about to explode and the last spaceship for another planet is about to take-off. Only it has four seats left and there’re nine of you. Who’s going and who’s staying?
Students 1-8 all discuss, enjoying the awkwardness and possibilities, but practicing their English.

10 minutes later.

Student 9: I find this all very inappropriate. Japanese people don’t like talking about death and such things. What’s the purpose of this?
Phil: To practice English.
Students 1-8: Yeah, it’s fun, it’s make-believe etc.
Student 9: It’s inappropriate and offensive.
Phil: Okay, what would you like to discuss?

Student 9: Saddam Hussein’s attempt to clone himself.

Honest to god, this happened!

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