Friday, May 19

Random Observation #5

I hear Big Brother started last night. As you can see, Japan wasn't a big undercover lie only for me to appear on it. (Uni people - do you remember we thought Alan was going to be on it, especially when he disappeared!)

All I'll say is that there's supposedly someone with Tourettes on it this year. Is that clever? Entertaining? Wankers.


Anonymous said...

How are you going to survive without Big Brother?

It's usually the highlight of your viewing year!

phil-san said...

i could rant but, put simply, big brother ended after bb3. it used to be psychologically fascinating, but now it's just confrontations for entertainment. i'm actually not that bothered x

ah, who am i kidding, i love it still.

Anonymous said...

I've e-mailed you some photos Philip. The contestants look absolutely mad. You'd love it.