Friday, June 30

I Peel Pretty

Saturday was really nice. Rebekah and I went to Enoshima beach, which is just past the big Buddha in Kamakura.

Enoshima is a small island connected to the mainland by a 600 metre bridge. It's very touristy but at the peak is a shrine. The story is that a man was to be executed but as the executioner lifted his sword, a bolt of lightning struck it and the man was spared.

At most shrines and temples is a money box covered by a grate, and you put money in before you pray. However, at this one, the box was in a pond and you had to scoop up money from the bottom and then throw it in. Not as easy as it may look because the coins bounce off the grate.

The sand on the beach wasn't a particularly nice colour but it was fine and the sea was warm, although I saw a jellyfish. And, randomly, Harajuku girls.

It was a really fun day, but I got quite burnt and I'm only just peeling now.

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