Sunday, June 18

Students Say The Stupidest Things #11

This blog entry has been given a '15' certificate.

A bit of explanation first. I was doing a Man-to-Man lesson on movies with a 22 year old innocent female Uni student. We were guessing movies by asking 4 questions - 'Was it good?', 'What's it about?', 'What genre is it?', 'Who's in it?'.

She was very good and knew a lot about movies. We shared similar tastes so were shouting out the answers excitedly and laughing when we both realised we liked the same random movies. We got on to rubbish movies and I decided to do 'Meet the Parents'*:

Student: What genre is it?
Phil: Comedy. Supposedly.
Student: Who's in it?
Phil: Ben Stiller.
Student: What's it about?
Phil: Umm, a man goes to his fiancee's parents' house...
Student: I know, I know, BIG FAT WILLY!

Haha, no joke. This happened. I couldn't stop laughing because, a) it was so funny to hear, and, b) it was hilarious to hear this innocent girl say that and not realise the meaning behind what she'd said. I still have no idea where the outburst came from. Priceless.

*Ben Stiller. Enough said.

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