Friday, September 15

Almost Halfway There

It's a landmark entry: 200th post!

It also ties in nicely with being here for six months, which is technically not until next Friday, but on Wednesday I had my six months observation - which went splendid. I was lucky to have two great students for the lesson so that made life a lot easier. The examiner even said 'nice lesson' at the end, which they never do; usually they just walk off and you find out later what they think.

So to mark such an occassion, here is a quiz about my time here so far.

1. How tall is Mt Fuji, in metres?
2. What is Ally McBeal called in Japan?
3. What train line do I live on, and what does it mean?
4. How do you say ‘thank you’ and ‘excuse me’ in Japanese?
5. In which park did I see the cherry blossom?
6. What was my first vlog (video) of?
7. What did I say you should never leave home without?
8. What was my favourite trip so far?
9. Where did I ‘ride’ an old Edo motorbike, and where was the strangest place that I saw a Harajuku girl?
10. Who’s my favourite Japanese football player?

The answers are in the blog comments.

1 comment:

phil-san said...

1. 3776 metres
2. Ally My Love
3. Toyoko Line - Tokyo/Yokohama
4. Arigatou/Sumimasen
5. Ueno Park
6. The Shibuya Crossroads (or the Dancing Old Man)
7. An Umbrella
8. Hakone
9. Ramen Museum/The Beach
10. Kawaguchi

If you score:
10 = you are a Phil-San-ophile
7-9 = that's phil-inSANia!
5-7 = you should be phil-ling good
1-4 = san-tisfactory