Sunday, September 17

Tokyo Skyline-Ish

On Friday, Keiko and I went to Odaiba, as she’d never been, I loved it there, and the weather finally cleared up (although there’s another typhoon as I type). It was pretty fun:

We had a burger at the place which convinced me to give up vegetarianism and it was a reminder of how much I’m loving meat.

We walked along the beach and saw the mini-Statue of Liberty. It’s a little strange but then again, it is Japan.

The thing I hadn’t done before was gone up the Fuji TV tower – the building/company that started the Odaiba ball rolling - into the cool ball-part of the Fuji TV building that ‘floats’ in the middle.

The view was pretty cool even though it still can’t be said that Tokyo has much of a significant sky-line. That’s perhaps the biggest thing that’s missing in this overwhelming capital of capitals.

Still, you can see the Rainbow Bridge and, just behind it, Tokyo Tower – which I still haven’t been up. Maybe this week…

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