Wednesday, October 17

The Name Game

My job in a nutshell: Find people who want a new job. Meet them and discuss CV. Find jobs for people in the database. Write resume. Send resume. Set-up interview. And so on...

The point of this entry is, I meet a lot of people. Which means a lot of names. Where the Japanese are very phonetic (Tanaka, Nakamura etc), Chinese names are shorter and more twisty, with less vowels and more syllables. Usually one syllable surnames, with more q's and x's and it's common for them to have a Western first name.

Today I met a lady. Her name was Min Ge.

No joke.


Anonymous said...

That's brilliant!!! Did you manage to keep a straight face?


McGarmott said...

... I don't get it. Why is that a joke?

Anonymous said...

then their is the footballer:

phil-san said...

ah, seb - ye of innocent mind. Read the name the whole way through. If you must, google the whole name without a space between the words. If need be, click on images. (Parental control may need to be adjusted first).