Wednesday, March 19

How Not To Cook Rice

On my return, I was treated to my favourite Japanese meal, White Stew (I'll cook it for anyone when I come back). My part in the process was turning on the rice cooker so that it would be ready for the evening. Tough, hey! Yet, I still screwed it up. The rice tasted awful, and we couldn't work out why.

Then this morning, while cleaning up, I found this:

A packet of tissues had fallen in the cooker - or been placed there, I deduce - and I had put the pot on top of it. The burnt plastic had made the rice taste bad.

But something is strange. There was no smoke. No smell. No fire. I can't get over how potentially dangerous it could have been. Lucky lucky lucky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read all your travel entries ---fantastic, you should copyright the photos and contents, and not forgetting the greatest culture in the world HAPPY PURIM
love Dadxxxx