Monday, May 8

NOVA Students Say The Stupidest Things #5

(While doing a lesson on fears and phobias)

Phil: So can anyone name another fear?
Student 1: Water.
Phil: Excellent. My mum saw ‘Jaws’ about 20 years ago and has never swum in the sea since.
Phil and Students 2-4 all laugh.

The conversation carries on for about thirty seconds, the whole time Student 1 just stares at Phil with her mouth open.

Phil: Are you Ok?
Student 1: Your mum was eaten by a shark?


Anonymous said...

Philip Darling,

Your blog had me laughing so much I nearly fell off my chair! You are such a clever writer and your descriptions are a delight. You really will have to write a book about your experiences.

Don't know how you have the time to write so much - but keep it coming - its wonderful.

Lots of Love - Grandma Jean

Anonymous said...

i agree

Anonymous said...

So do I