Friday, December 15

And For Your Chrismukkah Presents...

First off, "Day 4/5" are coming soon, but I'm waiting for photos.

This week was, on the whole, successful. Sunday night was the quiz, and I was nervous about the turn-out. However, 16 people came which was nearly double what I expected. Everyone had a great time, albeit with the usual controversy about wrong and right answers. It was especially good because the Japanese staff came along and seemed to have fun even though most of the questions were a bit over their heads. (The answers, by the way, are now in the comments sections.)

One of the rules of NOVA is not to socialise with students outside lessons. I can understand the reasons - favortism and professional conduct is affected if a relationship goes awry - however, I don't think that if you keep it schtum it's a bad thing. Nevertheless, it's one of the few serious issues that will get you fired. Frustratingly, and ridiculously, some of the students found out about the quiz and waited for a few teachers outside the branch. Firstly, they met OUTSIDE, and secondly, they all knew the BOSS was inside. It has caused a lot of conflict, and put a damper on the night. I'm annoyed because the teachers are just stupid but the students know full well the consequences yet they have nothing to lose. If there was any chance of me trusting them and meeting for a drink, it's gone out of the window.

However, the other main part of the week was my Chanukah Special Voice. It wasn't a huge turnout, but one of the men had researched the topic the night before and started with the question, "What's the difference between the Torah and the Talmud?". Whoah!

On the whole, the Japanese have no idea about Judaism; not much more than that about Christianity. They enjoyed making and playing with dreidels, hearing the story of Chanukah, and eating doughnuts and chanukah gelt.

Which brings me to your presents.

I spent a fortune on photocopying, buying gelt and doughnuts etc, so your present this year is the knowledge that a few people have a small Jewish education and new cultural experience; something they'll more than likely never have again in their lives.

The human equivalent of planting a tree or adopting an animal in your name.
Cut out and poke a pencil in the top:


Anonymous said...

absolutely wonderful .... it made me swell with pride, I'm going tell everybody about your Mitzvah

Hope you enjoyed the small Chanukah gift...... you can download a whole lot of stuff about chanukah on your ipod

Happy chanukah

love Dad

Anonymous said...

What a shame that your quiz night was (a bit) spoilt especially after all your hard work but it sounds like the people who were there enjoyed themselves.

Well done on your Chanukah 'Voice' session. Really proud of you.
