Wednesday, December 27

Cold Not Bothered - Pt 2.

I’m not looking for a standing ovation or anything, but writing the blog is extremely time-consuming. As much as I love it, it takes a long time writing it up, uploading pictures and framing them all to different sizes. For example, Pt 1. of this entry took 2.5 hours. So for that reason, Pt. 2 will be a little more condensed.

The bed didn’t even look slept in, it was that deep a sleep and I had a quick bathe in the 温泉; a fantastic start to any day. Unfortunately, it had clouded over but that wasn’t going to stop me from having anything near a good a day as the previous one. Keiko was feeling better but said her hip was throbbing.

We paid the bill, and left the hotel. The manager walked outside and waved us off; customary in Japan.

We took the train one stop towards Tokyo, to a coastal town, Manazuru. This place is a popular peninsula for crab fishing, so we headed to the bottom of the coast. The main destination was 三つ石 (Mittsuishi) or Three Rocks.

(This is the peninsula from above – taken from a brochure)

We walked around the town and ate ramen for lunch.

On the way back to Tokyo we stopped at Yokohama as Keiko had never been there; I swear anywhere we go is either new to both of us or just to her! It was fantastic as the harbour-side park was lovely, if freezing.

Further along, we walked onto the set of Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’. The seagulls started calm but ended up insane. Look at that woman’s face!

And then a great coincidence happened. In front of the red brick warehouses (more interesting and famous than the name would suggest), one of the most famous J-pop bands Yuzu were playing live, next to an open-air ice rink, which had been set-up for the Christmas period.

Although her hip hurt we decided to ice-skate. It was so much fun. Keiko was rubbish, as were 99% of the Japanese people skating there. I can’t wait to go back.

We walked back to the station through Minato Mirai which was all lit up and decorated. I personally wasn’t a big fan of Yokohama but looking as it did, all was forgiven.

I’m pretty certain that it was the best weekend I’ve had in Japan.
Keiko’s hip continued to hurt so she had an x-ray, which didn’t show anything bad. However, the doctor suggested an MRI which she’s taking tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It all looks so amazing. Did you go on the big wheel?