Saturday, December 9

The Great British Pub Quiz #1

I'm holding the quiz for the teachers and staff at my branch tomorrow, and I'm excited. Here are the first two rounds*:


1. Between which two countries did the Titanic sink?
2. After who was the teddy-bear named?
3. Who invented the television?
4. Geri Halliwell left the Spice Girls in which year – 1996, 1997 or 1998?
5. The Mesozoic Era is comprised of the Cretaceous, Jurassic and which other period?
6. Which two of Henry VIII wives did he divorce?
7. How many US Presidents have there been?
8. Florence Nightingale was a nurse during which war?
9. Name three of the Seven Wonders of the World
10. In which year was NOVA founded?


1. Which temperature has the same value in both Centigrade and Fahrenheit?
2. An Archimedes Screw is a device for moving what?
3. What is the most common blood type in humans?
4. Which scale measures wind strength?
5. What is phobophobia the fear of?
6. Which is the largest planet in the Solar System?
7. What is the chemical element of Iron?
8. How many bits are there in a byte?
9. Who or what is an oyster-catcher?
10. What is the genetic cause of Down’s Syndrome?

*Some questions are, inevitably, a little redundant to most of you; focusing on life here.


Anonymous said...

We're having to consult Wikipedia a lot Philip. This is not easy. Oyster Catcher is a good one for me though. It was the tie break question in a Shul quiz many moons ago and I beat Ivor Weintroub in the play off at the end. Quite possibly,my finest moment.

Anonymous said...

Well, i managed 8 of the science questions... and non of the History ones... how uncultured am I!

phil-san said...

wikipedia's my best friend!

phil-san said...


1. Ireland and United States
2. Theodore Roosevelt
3. John Logie Baird
4. 1998
5. Triassic
6. Catherine of Aragon, Anne of Cleves
7. 43
8. Crimean War
9. Pyramids of Egypt, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Diana at Ephesus, Mausoleum at Helicarnassus, Colossus at Rhodes, The Lighthouse of Alexandria
10. 1981


1. -40 degrees
2. Water
3. O
4. Beaufort Scale
5. Fear, itself
6. Jupiter
7. Fe
8. 8
9. A bird
10. An extra chromosome of chromosome 21