Saturday, December 9

The Good, The Bad and The Missing

I had my fortnightly trip to the nursery schools this week, and the theme is Christmas. I have songs and flashcards, and it helps that the nursery schools have Christmas decorations up already.

The first school was great. I walked in and a two or three year old waddled up to me wide-eyed, took my hand and kissed it. Sweet, if a little strange.

The second school was also fine but, during "heads, shoulders, knees and toes" knees and toes - sorry, couldn't resist - I managed to pull down half of the decorations. The kids found it hilarious, I was a little embarassed.

On arrival at the the third nursery, I pushed the buzzer and said my spiel "英語の先生です" to which I got a rather confused girl telling me to wait a minute. She finally let me up, and, on entering the nursery, there were no children. Actually, there were two - sitting in the huge space watching a video on TV. It was quite surreal. I was half expecting 30 kids to jump out, but I was told that they had gone on a field trip and forgot to tell me.

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose....

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