Wednesday, December 13

The Great British Pub Quiz #3


Movie Trivia
1. Which director famously made a cameo in 35 of his 63 films?
2. In “The Rules Of Attraction”, James Van Der Beek plays the brother of an already fictional character. In which film does this older brother appear?
3. Who plays the spirit of Elvis in True Romance?
4. Name the four actors who star as the central family in Pleasantville – Budd, Mary Sue, George and Betty Parker.
5. What was the name of the high school in Grease?

Quotes – Name The Film

6. I remember every detail. The Germans wore grey, you wore blue.
7. No one’s trying to kill you Nicholas. Put that gun down, you’re about to make the biggest mistake of your life.
8. You could be a model. It's too bad you're not sexy.
9. We’re going to need a bigger boat.
10. Good morning! And in case I don't see you: good afternoon, good evening and good night!

Characters – Name The Movie

11. Kevin McAllister
12. Holly Golightly
13. Jack Torrance
14. Norman Bates
15. Baby

(The other categories were "spelling and Japanese company acronyms" and a "music intros round" so neither are very suitable to publish here)


Anonymous said...

Some of these are really hard and I pride myself on knowing a bit about movies. What was the average score of the people taking part? Did you think up all the questions or are some from a book. Are you going to publish the answers too? Please?

phil-san said...

I only know these answers because they're all films I know and love. And Wikipedia gave me a big hand too.

The winning team won with 62% and the other teams scored between 46-54%, so it was pretty hard. However, they all thought it was the right level of difficulty. I might do another sometime before I leave.

1. Hitchcock 2. American Psycho (Patrick Bateman) 3. Val Kilmer 4. Tobey Maguire, Reece Witherspoon, Joan Allen, William H. Macy 5. Rydell High

6. Casablanca 7. The Game 8. Cruel Intentions 9. Jaws 10. The Truman Show

11. Home Alone 12. Breakfast At Tiffanys 13. The Shining 14. Psycho 15. Dirty Dancing