Tuesday, December 26

Let's Start At The Very Beginning...

What Christmas isn't complete without "The Sound Of Music"? And what better entry to post than to explain the Japanese version of the song, Do Re Mi...

どはドナツのど Do wa donatsu no do
れはレモンのれ Re wa remon no re
みはみんなのみ Mi wa minna no mi
ふぁはファイトのふぁ Fa wa faito no fa
そは青い空 So wa aoi sora
らはラッパのら Ra wa rappa no ra
しは幸せよ Shi wa shiawase yo
さ歌いましょう Sa utaimashou

Do is the sound of doughnuts
Re is the sound of lemon*
Mi is the sound of minna**
Fa is the sound of faito***
So is the blue sky
Ra is the sound of a trumpet
Shi is the beginning of shiawase****
Let's all sing

*No 'l' sound in Japanese, so lemon becomes remon.
**Minna = Everyone. Interesting how 'Me' has been replaced by 'All'.
***Faito doesn't mean 'punch'; it means 'Go for it'
****Shiawase = Happiness. (There's no 'Tea' sound in Japanese, only 'Shi' or 'Chi')

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do do not suppose that they have the Great Escape, Zulu or that other Xmas repeat Bridge over the River Kwai