Saturday, January 27

For Me?

Apart from the huge bag of chocolates I was given from a student on X-mas day, I also received many other presents. As I'll reiterate, it's these five-or-so percent of students that obviously care and make the job worthwhile.

The nicest present I received were these good luck charms. ダルマ (Dar-ma) are shrine charms that are typically given around New Years, but also at any time during the year for good luck. The eyes are blank, so that when you make a wish you paint a black dot on one of the eyeballs. Should the wish come true, you fill the other eye in. The sizes range from very small to as big as a room. It's quite a nice idea, and can be seen on an extravagant scale in government elections.

A further gift were a pair of small scale Edo-style kites, as can be seen in my photos of the Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum.

One of my favourite students gave me this shiny patterned card.

Edamame are usually green soy beans covered in salt and served as bar food. However, Gifu prefecture has a black soy sauce delicacy. I received a pack of these. Not to my taste, but the thought was lovely.

(A pic off the web)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
