Friday, January 12

Something Western For The Weekend

Yesterday, I thought I'd do something a bit less Japanese and have a more 'normal' weekend. So Keiko and I went to the cinema* to see Little Miss Sunshine. It was awesome on the whole, and made me laugh and cry, although a few parts fell flat.

More than that, I think it hit me how much I missed the cinema experience; it really is an extraordinary feeling when the lights go down, the screen widens and the soundtrack kicks in. Unfortunately, it is both expensive here and rare to get a decent movie showing, which explains why this was the first time in over 6 months.

One of the things that I am truly looking forward to on my return is catching up on all the films I've been hearing about, largely in thanks to my biggest reviewers - Mark Kermode and Martyn Lowe! It also rewakened one of my long-term dreams to open and run an independent movie theatre.**

*I had to change 'movie theater' to 'cinema' - I've sadly become used to using Americanized words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was always under the impression from things I've seen on tv etc that the movie scene in Japan was really dynamic and exciting. We saw King Kong recently on Sky (not bad but too long), Narnia (really enjoyed that) and last night Flight Plan (extremely stupid). We stay in a lot!